Earth Day at Oak Mountain State Park with Fresh Air Family: Gross Out Day!

Earth Day at Oak Mountain State Park with Fresh Air Family: Gross Out Day!
Join Oak Mountain State Park interpreters and Fresh Air Family to celebrate Earth Day by getting a fun day filled with adventure.
Gross Out Day is a just a small sample of Fresh Air Family's Gross Out Camps! This is open to the public and free with admission into Oak Mountain State Park! Info below!
Schedule of events:
10am – 10:45am
Scales & Tails
LIVE Animal program at the Oak Mountain Interpretive Center
11am – 12pm
Plant Hike
Plant and tree identification hike on the Treetop Nature Trail. Meet at the Oak Mountain Interpretive Center
1pm – 1:30pm
Know your H2O!
Interactive Water Quality Program with the Enviroscape at the Oak Mountain Interpretive Center
1:45pm – 2:15pm
Birds on the Boardwalk
Guided tour of the Treetop Nature Trail Birds of Prey. Meet at the Beach Access Parking Lot.
2:30pm – 3pm
Turtle Takeover Game & Turtle Encounter
A game about species population and troubles they face with box turtle encounter.
3pm – 4pm
Fairy House Adventure Hike
Build your very own Fairy House, flip logs, and play in the creek for a fun adventure starting at the Oak Mountain Interpretive Center