Lake Guntersville State Park


Alabama State Parks Geocaching

Alabama State Parks Geocaching Challenge

Cache information

Name: Lake Guntersville State Park

Cache type: Unknown

Coordinates: N 34º 23.464 W 086º 12.727

Difficulty: 2.5

Terrain: 2.0


Geocaching is an outdoor adventure game similar to a treasure hunt played with a GPS device that uses satellites to find the treasures. The basic idea is to locate hidden containers, called geocaches, take a trinket from the cache, leave something of greater or equal value in return for the next person and then share your experiences online at There are over a million active geocaches around the world and a few are now located in all of the State Parks of Alabama.


This cache is part of the Alabama State Parks Geocaching Challenge. The State of Alabama has 22 State Parks and each of these parks has a cache that is part of the Geocaching Challenge. Each of these caches are regular size caches with trade items and are designed to be kid friendly as well as adult friendly. There are trade items for those who enjoy treasure hunting and digging through the loot. Also included in each of the cache is a clue or code that will be needed to access the Alabama State Park Geocaching Challenge Puzzle Cache or the final cache of this Challenge.


How to Begin the Geocaching Challenge


1. Go to and create a membership if you do not have one, which is free. Easy to follow directions gets you started.

2. Look up the Alabama State Parks Geocaching Challenge locations either on or at

3. Start your search and locate one or all caches using a hand-held GPS unit. The cache containers are regular size and creative type. There are traditional, puzzles, multi and letterbox caches. All are kid friendly and a family fun outing to find.

4. When you find a Geocaching Challenge cache, log your name and any comments on the logbook inside the cache. Take a moment to go through the treasure each cache holds. If you take something be sure to leave something for the next adventurer.

5. Each one of the caches has a clue or code that will be needed for the final puzzle cache of this challenge. They will be red, white, blue or black and a number or letter. Be sure you have these clues. If the cache is missing or the code/clue is missing; be sure to contact the staff of the park. They will be able to assist you.

6. Be sure to place the cache back as found and to leave nothing but footprints.

7. If you’re quick, there is a “First-to-Find” special prize for each cache as well as the final puzzle once all others have been completed.

8. Once you have all 22 codes, one from each of the 22 State Park Caches; then proceed to the Alabama State Parks Geocaching Challenge Puzzle. Armed with the information you will be able to open the treasure chest. Once you have signed the log, follow the instructions in the cache and go to the front desk and claim your very own Alabama State Parks Geocaching Challenge Geocoin (Trackable). The only way to get one of these coins is to complete the challenge. Enjoy your adventure.