Cheaha State Park

Fairy Tale Campfire Talk: Tairy Fales and Funny Fairy Stories

Event Dates:
June 25, 2021, 8:00 pm
June 25, 2021, 9:00 pm
Fairy Tale Campfire Talk: Tairy Fales and Funny Fairy Stories

Fairy Tale Campfire Talk: Tairy Fales and Funny Fairy Stories

Welcome lovers of nature and the wee folk! Enjoy a magical weekend filled with storytelling, sparkling bubbles, whimsical fairies, fairy house building, and fun in the forest. Put on your wings, see nature as you’ve never seen it before, let your imagination run wild, and join us for this enchanted adventure. As our Park Superintendent (and fairy friend) Renee Raney says, “Nature joyously waits for you. She wants to feel your bare feet on grass and talk to you through the buzzing bees and peeping frogs. She hopes to watch you catch (and release) a firefly, to laugh with you as you splash in a mud puddle, to blow wind through your hair, and herald you with birdsong. Through wonder and imagination, you can discover that every moment in nature is a Once Upon A Time moment.” The Mountain Store will be selling special “fairy fun kits” and more! Bring your little fairies and elves to Vista Cliffside Restaurant for a child’s Fairy Meal with a special enchanted dessert (served to go for picnics or dine on the cliffside deck). Plan a campout: sleep under a canopy of trees, watch for evening fairies to ride across the sky on little brown bats, and listen for starlight fairy lullabies. Primitive Campers receive 25% off their stay (June 24-27, 2021). If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. -Albert Einstein Sit by a campfire, watch for firefly fairies, and listen to hilarious stories about lesser known fairy tale characters, such as Rindercella and the Big (NOT So Bad) Wolf from Little Red Riding Hood and The Three Little Pigs. Einstein would approve of these fantastic stories: after this program, your children will be brilliant! For more information about International Fairy Day or Fairy Tale Weekend, email or call 256 412-9938. The programs are free with gate admission and to overnight guests. We are committed to providing programs that are educational, fun, and safe. Family units will be spaced out from other family units. We will provide hand sanitizer stations. Date: June 25, 2021 Time: 8:00 PM-9:00PM Location: Lower Improved Campground; Park day guest admission $5 per adult; $2 per child